The Actor's Choice 400th Show Giveaway is CLOSED
We have our WINNER! Victor Marshand Webb. Congratulations!
*You must be 18 to enter and by entering this contest, you have given the right to The Actor's Choice to use your name and/or likeness as the contest winner. LOCAL - LOS ANGELES AND SURROUNDING AREAS. *Prior winners of our contests aren't eligible to enter for one year following the date of their win.
Open to legal residents living within the local viewing area of The Actor's Choice who are 18 or older. The LVA for The Actor's Choice covers the following counties: Inyo, Kern County-East, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside County-East, Riverside County-West, San Bernardino, and Ventura counties in the State of California.
Only one (1) entry allowed per day. For the purposes of this Giveaway, a “day” is defined as beginning at 6:00 PM and ending 6:00 AM PST. (except for the first day of the Entry Period April 20, 2029 PT at 6:00 PM, and the last day (April 29, 2024 which ends at 6:00 AM PT.) Entries must be received during the Entry Period. For purposes of these Official Rules, all times and days are Pacific Standard Time. The Actor's Choice computer is the official timekeeping device for the Sweepstakes. Winner will be notified via email and text message (charges may apply). Before claiming the prize, the winner must provide his/her correct name, address, email and telephone number to The Actor's Choice at the time of notification for verification purposes. You will have 30 Days to claim your prize. If not claimed, another winner will be chosen.
N o p u r c h a s e i s n e c e s s a r y t o e n t e r ,
N o s u b s t i t u t i o n s o r c a s h a l t e r n a t i v e s
f o r a n y p r i z e .
Ineligible t o e n t e r i f y o u ' v e w o n a p r i z e o r
g i v e a w a y w i t h i n t h e l a s t y e a r w i t h T h e
A c t o r ' s C h o i c e .